Salah “allows Muslims to communicate with Allah, listen to Allah and follow in the footsteps of the prophets”. Prayer is the only act that must be performed as a compulsory act. For example, Hajj is performed at least once in a lifetime, Zakat must be given at least once per year, et cetera. The Arabic word for prayer is (As-Salah) which is derived from the Arabic word for “connection“.
“The closest a person is to His Lord is when he is in prostration.”
The Benefits of Prayer
Shields Against Evil
Man was created weak. Therefore, it is impossible to abstain from evil without seeking help from Allah. Standing in front of Allah willingly will undoubtedly alter your state of mind and level of protection.
Enriches the Soul
Prayer satisfies our natural desire to be in contact with our one true Creator.
Humbles Us
Man is humbled and rid of pride and arrogance when making connection with Allah.
Absolves Sin
Everyone sins. However, these sins can be washed away by Allah through prayer if Allah so wills.
Helps Us Solve Problems
Mankind is surrounded with challenges, trials and sin. Whomsoever strengthens their natural relationship with Allah will find that they have the strength to solve these obstacles and create opportunities.
Unites Muslims
When prayer is performed together, it cultivates positive relationships which fosters brotherhood, humility, equality and integrity. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
“Prayer in congregation is better than praying alone by twenty-seven degrees.”
Last Prophet Apparel is committed to enriching your connection with Allah through meaningful relationships. We would love to get to know you over a cup of coffee to nurture and expand the conversation surrounding Islam in depth. Send us a message, give us a call or click the chat bubble to the left to schedule your first HalalMeet, on us, at any coffee shop in the greater Los Angeles area.